Children at heART 04

The Nursery

It was so much fun to shop for the nursery, and to create it. Suzie Steakley, artist and a friend, assisted me creating the props of the exhibit.

Shhh, baby is sleeping!

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the piece to the left is titled "Initiation," as the processes of life and evolution might be though of...
The heart "Chakra" of Astral Golden is also the red nose of a clown she has in her chest...
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The Clown Chakra

The clown scientists have found that all our problems can be placed under one heading: Seriousness. Seriousness is the leading cause of everything from cancer to reincarnation. Scientists from the Clown Academy have discovered a new source of healing. It is a psychic energy point located between the heart chakra and the throat chakra. It is called the clown chakra.

If people are feeling miserable; if they have financial problems; if their relationships situation is not working; if they are in ill health; if they constantly find fault with others; then obviously their clown chakra might just be closed.

When this happens, the scientists have observed under a high-power microscope that the cells of every organ display a sad face. And when the clown chakra is open and functioning normally, the cells display a happy face.

The scientists realized that if a person is ill, it is because his/her mind has projected guilt onto the cells of his/her body and has forced out the love that is normally found within each cell of the body. The cells are therefore saying, "I lack love," or ILL, for short. The scientists also discovered that all disease is due to cells being out of ease or "dis-eased."

When the clown chakra is open and working (or rather, playing) properly, the psychic mechanism sucks up misery, pain, anger, resentment, grievances, unhappiness, etc., and converts the energy into tiny red heart-shaped balloons.

The red heart balloons contain love and joy and are directed to the "dis-eased" cell or situation, and a happy face appears instantly. Sometimes these red heart balloons are called endorphins because when anyone experiences them the feeling of separation ends, and they experience being back home with a loving father/mother and hence are no longer an orphan. This is the well-known "end orphan" effect.

So if you think someone is attacking you, clown scientists recommend that you visualize sending that person red heart shaped balloons filled with love and joy.

Remember to keep your clown chakra open, and remember to laugh. Seriousness causes ILL-ness and dis-ease.

Flags of different countries assisting multicultural beliefs for this baby
Pick a bead, and charge it with a thought to give you a new birth...
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